Thursday, July 17, 2008

missing them

clancey is out mowing the lawn. lucas is running in his soccer shoes for more traction. cedar is running around the house being her cuter self. jenny is on the phone with a friend from az who had a baby. me...i am typing on this damn computer trying to put my thoughts into words.

i work a lot during the months of march to november off and on away for long periods from my family. we are headed to az to drop my family off in flagstaff. from there my sister-in-law will take them down to gilbert. i will continue back up to fredonia to get ready for a grand canyon trip. i will be gone for atleast twelve days. ten of them on the river.

i miss my family when i am gone. i love them very much. i have the greatest job anyone could have and am glad i do what i do. but...i really do miss them. my wife is the most wonderful person and the strongest. she manages them while i go out to bring in the cash flow. i always get real sentimental when i am about to go a really long trip. it would be a lot easier if i didn'y love my family so much.


Susan said...

They (your family) are so lucky to have you...and you them. Good Luck on your trip. Be safe.

*please send me your email if you'd like me to send you and invite to my blog.

Frentheway Crew said...

I know what you mean. As the time nears, the feelings rear themselves. I don't go away like you do, but when I go on a trip, I get to be the same way.
Jenni is a saint, I agree. I sometimes go crazy watching my clan for a few hour without help.
Have a safe trip!

Miss Niss said...

your family is lucky to have you as a dad/husband...they love you just as much as you love them...