Sunday, December 7, 2008

more shit

you can't really write exactly what you are really thinking in a blog. because there is always people out there who might get pissy with what i have to say and friendships could be compromised.


Jenny said...

Oh Corey... You can say whatever want! Just because your wife is all paranoid-y-ish, doesn't mean you have to be. No no. Go on... as you were. p.s. I LOVE YOU.

Frentheway Crew said...

Come on man, out with it.

Anonymous said...

corey - We say POO POO so you should say "more Poo Poo".

Min said...

exactly. It sucks, but you do have to consider your audience and the repercussions...but now we're all curious.
Sounds like you need some ranch time! Come on down! (and tell us what's goin' on??)